Saturday, March 7, 2015

Social Networking

Social networking has become a widely use resource in today's generation. This technology has proven useful in both corporate and personal fields. Sites like Facebook allow users to maintain close relationships with their friends while sites like Twitter can keep one updated on news and social media. Aside from Facebook and Twitter, which are for more personal uses, there also comes webpages such as Linkedin. According to Frank Langfitt, "Professional recruiters have started hunting for job candidates using social networking technology." Social networks have opened up new ways to access potential employees/employers. Even companies like Nissan have resorted to social networking. They have created a Facebook page called NSquare that will "will connect up to 50,000 of the company's 180,000 employees worldwide, letting them create online profiles and blogs, form online communities and discussion groups, and swap data files (Hall)."These new technologies have their benefits but like everything else, also has its dark side. Maintaining long distant friendships have become easier but at the cost of the individuals privacy. Finding jobs and staying connect are now more convenient but the intimacy of direct contact with another person has been lost. Social networks have opened doors this generation may have never thought possible, but does the good outweigh the bad? Personally, I believe these technologies will only grow in the future. For every bug and inconvenience there is, there is a developer out there looking to tweak and profit off of it. Everything is being made easier on us but at the cost of losing the simple things that keep us motivated, sacrificing our human nature. In my opinion, it is important for us to take advantage of the outlets social networking provides while also never forgetting where we stood before it all started. 

1. Hall, Kenji. "Why Is Nissan Mimicking MySpace?" Bloomber Business. 03 October 2007. Web. 07 March 2015.  

2. Langfitt, Frank. "Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting." National Public Radio. 22 November 2006. Web. 07 March 2015. 

3. Thompson, Clive. "Brave New World of Digital Intimacy." New York Times. 05 September 2008. Web. 07 March 2015. 

1 comment:

  1. Good point that you make; that we should take advantage of everything social media has to offer for us, but at the same time we should not forget about our roots- to remember where we stood before and not to give up on human nature.
