Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Creativity and New Media

For the creativity and new media assignment, I decided to join the virtual world and create a Second Life character. The process was simple at first. I started off by making an account via the website and then downloaded the software on my computer. Afterwards, I had to choose an avatar and a username for my avatar. Then it got pretty complicated. I own a Macbook and that is what I used to play. Many may know that the functions on the Macbook are more complicated than those on a regular PC. I had some difficulty navigating my avatar around for a while until I finally got it down packed. With Second Life I was able to create a virtual version of me, named AgentSelf, who traveled to all the places I wish I was. AgentSelf visited a few beaches in Europe, then went to the clubs in Miami and also, did some sightseeing in Europe.

After learning about virtual worlds, specifically Second Life, I thought it would be interesting to know what the hype was all about. I enjoyed creating my avatar and making her be and do everything I was not able to. The worst part of the experience definitely had to be learning the keys of navigation. The application has a lot going on and many different things to manage, such as the chat, destinations, notes, etc., which was overwhelming for me. In addition, there are certain aspects I was not able to try, like clothes and appearance, because they took time to change and I only had Second Life for a trial period. I think new media has created great ways to spark creativity among its users but I am still skeptical of the motives of its producers.


  1. Wow that's pretty cool. You actually made a Second Life. I'm glad you got to party it up at least

  2. For this blog post, I used regular PC to created an avatar of myself in Second Life. I think this program is really helpful, it creates experiences that you might not have in the real life just like you indicated in your post. This program also enhence creativity skill.
