Wednesday, April 29, 2015

New New

New media has almost everything anyone can want and need to make communication easier. But a new form of media that would be pretty interesting is a website that worked as a mix between Second Life and Facebook. On Second Life you can create your own avatar and basically roam the world and Facebook is used as a way to stay in touch with people you already know and network. A website that allowed users to create avatars that looked like virtual images of themselves would be interesting because it would elimate the fact that overusers of virtual worlds tend to forget about the real world. On this website there would be real people, in real neighborhoods, speciffically the ones where the user is from. A virtual world allows you to live in a fantasy world and thats fun to do as a game but it also brings a disappointing feeling when you realize that none of it is true. The Facebook aspect would come in with a networking aspect. People who know each other can introduce their friends to their other friends and there will be an actual real life look image to match so the catfishing aspect is eliminated. I think this is a great new idea for media especially since is improves some of the disadvantages that social networking sites have.


  1. there is an app called my idol that is created with similar concept. I know it is on ios I don't know of android. it is worth checking out and fun. it is called my idol. the only downside is that it is not in English but it is easy to navigate, you should check it out.
